Every Gift Matters

When you give to Scott Hill Park and Sports Complex, you support all of Woodland, South Cowlitz County and Clark County — youth, adults, parents, grandparents — by helping to provide outdoor & sports opportunities for children through seniors to connect with nature, improve their health through exercise, interact with neighbors, gain disciplines learned from organized sports (self discipline, leadership, sportsmanship, teamwork, competing, goal setting and achievement etc.), to grow our sense of community.

To build and realize the vision of Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex, Rotary Foundation of Woodland is raising funds through donations, fundraising events, private partnerships and pursuing community grants. Your donation benefiting Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex demonstrates your commitment and dedication to the community we live in and are all so very proud of.

We need your support.

Give Online Now!

Thank You!


Ways to Give

Mail to: Rotary Foundation of Woodland, PO Box 482, Woodland, WA 98674-0482

Make your gift securely on-line using our PayPal button:

Make a donation to Rotary Club of Woodland of appreciated securities and you may benefit on capital gains taxes.
To donate Stocks or Securities please call CB Financial Services* today for instructions. Ph. 888-569-8823

*Securities and insurance products are offered through Cetera Investment Services LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGIS Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services are offered through Cetera Investment Advisers LLC. Neither firm is affiliated with the financial institution where investment services are offered. Investments are: • Not FDIC insured • May lose value • Not financial institution guaranteed • Not a deposit • Not insured by any federal government agency. For a comprehensive review of your personal situation, always consult with a tax or legal Advisor. Neither Cetera, nor any of its representatives may give legal or tax advice.

If you work for, or are retired from, one of many community-minded companies, your contribution to Rotary Foundation of Woodland for benefit of Scott Hill Park may be twice as valuable. Some employers will match your gift dollar for dollar, some companies even double or triple the amount of your gift — at no cost to you! Ask your human resources office for a Matching Gift form. Fill it out and mail the form to: Rotary Foundation of Woodland, PO Box 482, Woodland, WA 98674-0482

Remember or honor someone with a gift to Scott Hill Park. Mail a check to Rotary Foundation of Woodland, PO Box 482, Woodland, WA 98674-0482 or make your gift online below and indicate in the comments section that this gift is In Honor of / In Memory of (person’s name). Please also indicate whom Rotary Foundation of Woodland should notify of your gift. (E.g.: a family member of the deceased or the honored person’s mailing address.) Contact Sandy Larson, Project Chair, at 360-921-7477 for more information.

Much of the work to build Scott Hill Park and Sports Complex is being done through generous donations of time, labor, and materials from volunteers, donors, and sponsors. Please contact Sandy Larson, Project Chair, by phone at 360-921-7477 with your ideas or for opportunities to help build Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex.

All work completed in preparation for the construction of Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex was paid for by funds raised at several local fundraising events. Ongoing fundraising events are needed to help continue construction on Scott Hill Park and are made possible by volunteers and the generous sponsorships provided by local individuals and businesses. If you are interested in supporting the Rotary Foundation of Woodland’s fundraising efforts to complete Scott Hill Park by hosting or helping to sponsor an event, please contact Sandy Larson at 360-921-7477.

A Charitable IRA Rollover provides taxpayers with a mechanism for transferring their annual Required Minimum Distributions directly to charitable organizations in order to exclude the distributions from their taxable income while simultaneously supporting the charities of their choice. This rollover can be an attractive option for taxpayers who either don’t want or don’t need the extra taxable income from their IRA’s required minimum distribution. Your gift can be made by notifying your IRA plan custodian of your intent to make a current transfer to Rotary Foundation of Woodland or another charitable organization. Please consult with your tax advisor for more information on how to make an IRA rollover gift and for advice on your specific tax situation.

For more information on how to make an IRA rollover gift, please consult your tax consultant.

Link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Rotary Foundation of Woodland and whenever you use your Rewards Card when shopping at Freddy’s, you will be helping Rotary earn a donation from Fred Meyer for Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex. If you do not have a Rewards Card, you can sign up for one at the Customer Service Desk of any Fred Meyer store.

You may access a direct link to link your Rewards Card here.

One great way to give to Scott Hill Park is to attend one of our fundraisers that are held each year. Please visit the Events page to see upcoming events.