Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex will give Woodland residents more opportunity for outdoor recreation and activity and to get involved in and/or play in team sports. Especially for youth, team sports help develop skills, character and friendships. The park, being in a central Woodland location, can be a community event and meeting space which helps build a stronger community. The park is being built on high ground and may also serve as a central disaster relief and command location. As a regional park with the ability to host large sports tournaments, Woodland and the surrounding areas in Clark & Cowlitz Counties will benefit economically from the many competing teams, friends and family visiting the park. Not only will adding a park and sports complex to the Woodland community add to the livability and quality of place in Woodland for current residents but make Woodland more attractive to potential businesses and residents.

Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex will have many sports fields with artificial turf and lights allowing for year-round play and extended hours of play. Scott Hill Park is a short distance (less than a 3 minute drive) with easy access from Interstate 5 and is conveniently located between Vancouver and Longview. In addition to being a large sports park, Scott Hill Park will have a walking trail with exercise stations, a large covered area, picnic areas, playground and open grassy areas for play – a great community park to be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities.

The Scott Hill Park Project is currently in Phase 1 of 3 phases of construction. The first scope of work in Phase 1 began September 2018. Phase I construction is 75% complete.  Ongoing fundraising to support continued construction includes work on government grants with the City of Woodland and Cowlitz County, seeking donations from private donors, businesses and foundations, and local fundraising events. Click here for a full construction update.

Construction Phases

The Rotary Club has made a recommendation for on-going park management to the City of Woodland, which will retain ownership of the Park. The City will make the final decision on park management.

In 2010 the Rotary Club of Woodland chose as one of its goals, building a sports park in Woodland and while looking for property for the sports park, the City of Woodland purchased 46.7 acres of land on Scott Hill for the purpose of building a city park. In July 2013, the City of Woodland and the Rotary Foundation of Woodland signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which started the development of Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex in motion.

Dr. Ellis Johnson, Pearson Medical Clinic, Woodland, WA, who with his passion for the health and safety of our youth, donated his plan for a sports park to Rotary Club of Woodland. Dr. Johnson’s sports park plan was enlarged to maximize the full use of the large 46.7-acre park site by adding additional sports fields and park amenities. Rotary Club of Woodland’s vision for Scott Hill Park and Sports Complex includes: 4 baseball/softball fields, 3 soccer and possibly lacrosse/youth football fields, 1 multi-use field, all-inclusive play area, large 60’x100′ covered area with restrooms, small 30’x40′ covered area, walking trails, field lighting, concession stand with restrooms, batting cage, picnic area, parking and donor recognition.

When complete, Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex will be able to host tournaments for the above-mentioned sports with potential to add additional sports and other activities, such as concerts, festivals, gatherings, company parties, family reunions, sports clinics, etc.

Scott Hill Park is conveniently located in Southwest Washington between Vancouver and Longview with easy access to/from I-5 and will be one of the largest outdoor sports complexes in Southwest Washington. Scott Hill Park, though located centrally in the city of Woodland, is on a large atheistically pleasing 46.7 acres of land located at the top of Scott Hill, sheltered from the noise and hubbub of traffic below.

Park completion will depend on funding. All park construction and maintenance expenses are paid through donations, fundraising, and grants. The Rotary Club of Woodland will continue to collect contributions and pledges and fundraise as we move through park construction. The Rotary Foundation of Woodland also seeks public and private grants for the park’s construction.

Funding is needed to complete the park along with permitting through each phase of construction.

The City of Woodland has been proactive in addressing the need for additional parks within the City by purchasing the 46.7-acre Scott Hill Park property and designating the property as park land. While the City officials would like to build the park as soon as possible, resources to do so are not available at this time. While Rotary Club of Woodland is taking the lead in raising funds and building the park, the City of Woodland is working with Rotary in identifying and applying for funding and in the construction of the park.

Discussion between Rotary’s Scott Hill Park Committee and City Officials at the beginning of the park project indicated the City would not be in a position to build Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex for quite some time and would not be able to build the park with the same amenities included in Rotary’s conceptual park design.

While parks and recreation are a responsibility of city government the revenues that support Woodland’s city government are limited. The City of Woodland does not currently have funds available in the City budget to build Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex. While the City would like to build Scott Hill Park soon, the most immediate and pressing issue for the City is public safety. There are currently six developed parks in the City of Woodland. While the existing parks do not include sports fields, the City has been proactive in addressing the need for sports fields by purchasing the 46.7 acres at the top of Scott Hill for the purpose of building a park and sports complex.

There are 450 parking spaces included in the plans for Scott Hill Park. Plans for Phase I construction include 38 parking stalls at the walking path trail head, 57 near the auxiliary field, and a seperate parking area to contain 6 bus/RV parking spaces. The remaining 351 parking spaces will be near the soccer and baseball complexes included in Phase II and Phase III construction of the park.

The Rotary Foundation of Woodland is responsible for all costs and expenses of the park until park construction is complete. Water being used at the park is being paid for out of funds raised for the park.

Please email Rotary Foundation of Woodland here.

Men working